6月 – 主啊,我們祈求悔改,得復興
主啊,我们知道真正的复兴不仅是一次性的情感体验,而是心灵和灵魂的持久转化. 在以西結先知在18:30-32向百姓傳遞你的信息:你對以色列人說,你必按照他們的行為來審判他們。你呼籲他們回轉離開他們的罪惡,這樣他們就不會因罪孽而滅亡。主啊,我們也需要回轉,離開我們所犯的一切罪過。我們需要一個新的心和新的靈,來重新走在你的道路上。因為你說過,你不喜悅那死人之死,而是喜悅人回心轉意而得生命。Charle G. Finney在100年前也呼籲人們回轉,尋求神的面。他提到罪的影響在當代社會中是如此的明顯,而且這些罪已經成為人們生活中的一部分。他說,這些罪讓我們遠離神,而只有回歸神,才能獲得真正的自由和平安。他鼓勵人們,只要他們回轉並且相信耶穌基督,就能得到完全的赦免和新生命。主啊,你的靈感動世人再次思考他們的生命,並且重新投向神的愛和憐憫之中,現在就行動。
Dear Lord, we pray for great revivals in our hearts and communities. We listen today to John 10:1-10, where it says that anyone who enters the sheep pen by some other way is a thief and a robber. The true shepherds of the sheep, however, enter through the gate. Our prayer is to recognize your voice as the voice of the true shepherd and to follow your guidance and direction in this revival.
Jonathan Edwards said that revival was not a one-time event, but rather a journey that required daily commitment and effort on our part. Our prayer is to steadfastly walk the path of redemption and to have the courage, love, and wisdom to share your message of hope and salvation.
As Charles Finney reminds us, revival is a new beginning of obedience to God. It is our prayer that this prayer meeting of revival will renew our commitment to obeying your will and following your teachings. During this revival, may you ignite in our hearts a thirst to hear your word and a desire to share your message of grace and love with others.
We ask for your help in dedicating ourselves to you with all our heart, soul, and mind so that we may be vessels for your glory and work. It is our hope that the radiance of you will shine through us, attracting others to come before you as a result of our commitment to you.
The early church described in Acts 2:42-47 inspires us. During their time together, they listened to the apostles’ teaching and fellowshipped together, breaking bread and praying. It is our prayer that during this revival, we have a deep longing and hunger for your word and fellowship with your people. May we be devoted to prayer, breaking of bread, and baptism in the Holy Spirit. While partaking in communion and praying, may the leaders of the church remember and honor the members and ministries who have served alongside them. Let us treat one another with kindness, support, and meet the desires of our Heavenly Father.
In the early church, everyone shared everything they had, and no one went without. We pray that in this revival, we will be generous and compassionate towards those around us. Like the early church, may we be willing to share our resources and meet the needs of those around us.
True revival is not only an emotional experience, but a lasting transformation of the heart and soul. According to Ezekiel 18:30-32, you told the people of Israel that you would judge them according to their deeds. To prevent them from perishing, you urged them to repent and turn away from their sins. Lord, we must also repent and turn away from all our sins. Walking in your ways again requires a new heart and spirit. You have said you don’t enjoy the death of the wicked, but rather their repentance and life.
A hundred years ago, Charles G. Finney also called for repentance and seeking God’s face. He spoke about how sin had become a part of the lives of people, and how the effects of sin were so evident in modern society. Our sins separated us from God, and we can only find true freedom and peace by returning to God. People can receive complete forgiveness and a new life if they repent and believe in Jesus Christ. May your Spirit move people to reflect on their lives once again and return to your mercy and love. Now is the time for them to act.